6 - 9
2. With the slave still plugged into the powered MMU slot, tog-
gle each dipswitch position of SW1 individually. As each
dipswitch position is toggled (from 0 to 1, and back to 0) indi-
vidually, the status LED should change from GREEN to OFF,
and back to GREEN again. Test all 8 dipswitch positions of
1. Unplug the slave and set SW1 to the All Tests Mode,
Halt-Display Error, as shown in Table
(SW1 = 11011111).
2. Insert the slave into the powered MMU slot.
If the slave is passing the All Tests Mode diagnostics, the sta-
tus LED will turn GREEN after 1 second and stay GREEN for
about 12 seconds. The status LED will then blink OFF and
back to solid GREEN again within 1 second. The status LED
will again stay green for about 12 seconds. Allow this cycle to
repeat at least one additional time. If the All Tests Mode is suc-
cessful, go to the Universal Slave Bus Test.
If the slave is failing the All Tests Mode and the halt/display on
error bit is set, the status LED will begin blinking an error
code. The blinking LED represents a 2 digit error code. Find
the number by counting the number of times the status LED
blinks GREEN for long and short time periods. The two digit
number can then be found in Table
(under Error Codes),
and the problem can be identified.
Slave Expander Bus Interface Test
The following tests check for proper operation of these slave
expander bus interface components.
Slave Expander Bus interface chip.
Dual-Port Static RAM (slave read/writes and MFP
MFP/IMASI03 slave handshaking.
Test Procedure
These two steps check for proper operation of the slave bus
1. Tune specification one of function code 217 to ten indicat-
ing slave expander bus test. Also, tune specification two to the
block address of the slave's function code 215 block. Set all
other specifications to the default value and send this block.