Page 67
Section 17: Electronic Information - Deleting and
Manually Updating the Regalia Display Software
If two or three trys to update the display software as shown on page 68 through 70 are
unsuccessful, then on rare occasions it may be necessary to uninstall the Regalia display
software and manually update the software.
1. After downloading the updated display software from the baby lock website to a USB drive, insert the USB
drive into the USB port on the bottom-right side of the display.
2. Press the triangle icon left of the battery icon in the lower right corner of the display.
3 . On the pop-up menu select settings (3 parallel lines).
4 . On the 2nd pop-up menu select settings again.
5 . Select Apps .
6 . Select Regalia .
7 . Select uninstall .
8. Do you want to uninstall this app? Select OK.
9. Select the Home on the task bar, bottom left, 2nd icon from left. This will take you to the A20 screen.
10. Select the circle with 6 squares inside it.
11. Slect the file manager.
12. Select USB. (The USB icon is at the top and is the fourth icon from the left)
13. Open USB Host.
14. Select the display update you wish to install.
15. Do you want to install this application? Select Insall.
16. App Installed Select Done.
17. Select Home on the task bar.
18. Select HQ Regalia.
19. Select Always.