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Regalia Service Manual
Near the top of the Control Board are two green
LEDs (D10, D11). The control board receives an
input of +48V at J6 (circled) from the power supply
and it converts this voltage into two different
voltage levels. The left LED, D10, indicates that
the 5V power is functioning for the front and rear
displays (as well as other circuitry). The right LED,
D11, indicates that the 3.3V power is functioning for
the Control Board main processor (as well as
other circuitry).
IMPORTANT: The machine should be turned
off when wiring is being unplugged or
plugged back in during all testing.
IMPORTANT: Proper ESD (electrostatic
discharge) precautions should be observed
to prevent any latent or catastrophic damage
to the electronic circuitry of the machine .
If either of these LEDs is not on when both power
switches are on and all cables are connected firmly:
• Turn off the power switch
• Disconnect all cables from the control board
other than the red and black power cable at the
top (J6).
• Unplug the remote on/off wire on the power
supply .
Section 17: Electronic Information - Control Board LEDs