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Regalia Service Manual
Section 17: Electronic Information - Quick-Set Tension
Calibration / Setting Zero
IMPORTANT: When the top tension is installed into the machine, it is calibrated to set the zero tension
position. This does not need to be done again unless the tension is replaced or
re-calibrated incorrectly.
Calibrating the tension is setting or resetting the zero tension setting-position of the tension; therefore, it is
recommended that this only be done when the top tension assembly has been replaced or when it has been
calibrated incorrectly by someone .
IMPORTANT: Because the zero setting will be reset, when the calibration button is pressed, it is very
probable that any customer recorded tension and thread settings will also change.
The customer may be tempted to recalibrate tensions thinking that it will fix tension issues. Calibrating the
tensions when not needed, or incorrectly will more likely cause more, not less tension issues. Recorded
information on tensions and threads may also be lost or rendered useless.
Share this information with customers so they will be aware of the consequences of calibrating the top
tension when not needed. Let them know if you have reset calibration and that their recorded tension info
may have changed .
• Select Tools on the Regalia main screen .
• Select the tension calibration box at the bottom of the screen.
• Loosen the top tension knob until the spring is no longer touching the top tension disc.
• Push the spring until it just touches the tension discs.
• Touch the center tension calibration button to calibrate.
• Replace the top tension knob.
• Reset the top tension and sew test for proper tension balance.