4: S
w P
es •
©2012 Axia Audio
User Interface
Several global settings are de-
fined in this section. Remember
that even though these are general
settings, they are specific to each
Show Profile so you may accom-
modate the unique requirements of
different shows.
Timer Mode (DESQ):
is used
to specify the default timer
mode - manual or automatic.
In automatic, the timer may be
started by turning a channel ON.
Preview Interlock Mode:
is checked, pressing any
fader’s Preview key causes any
other, previously-lit Preview
key to be extinguished, remov-
ing that source from Preview
The board operator can assign
multiple faders to Preview by
pushing and holding any lit Pre-
view key while pushing other
Preview keys to add or subtract.
If unchecked, each Preview key
works like a press-on, press-off
latching switch. Multiple faders
can be assigned to Preview sim-
ply by pushing once; a second
push cancels any individual Preview assignment.
Switchable Meter Source:
The second meter is
a “soft” meter. The desired default may be selected
from the drop-down menu. Choices are:
Program 2
Phone mix
Follow Monitor
Logic Port for Timer:
Enter the Channel Number
of the GPIO port you wish to use for external control
of your Count-Up timer.
Talk to CR Level: Use
up to -30 dB attenuation or
10 dB gain on the contents of the Talkback bus.
Control Lock Map:
This section includes several
check boxes. When a box is checked, the selected ac-
tions are allowed. Any unchecked boxes will prohibit
the operator from accessing these functions when
this Show Profile is loaded. The selections are:
Meter Source
Timer Mode
Timer Controls
Preview in HP
As usual, please remember to hit
when you
are done to save your changes.
External Talk
If the console is installed in a Control Room where
the operator will not go “live” with a mic, this option
saves you from the need to assign the Operator Mic
source type to a fader for Talkback to Codecs or Phones.
Figure 4-2: Show Profile Options