The patient sample data is sent at the end of each measurement, the calibra-
tion report is sent at the end of each calibration.
The interface is always on, independent of the printer settings; the data is
always sent.
Note: The arrow up (e.g. out of normal range) is sent as HEX 18 (
), the
arrow down as HEX19 (
) and the ° (degree) is sent as HEX1A (
9.2 Example Data String Information
Automatic Calibration Report
sx* AVL 9130
*crcrlfELECTROLYTE ISEcrcrlf03JAN92
10:51crcrlf*CALIBR REPORT*crcrlfcrcrlfDailyMaintenancecrcrlf
Performed Last: crcrlf02JAN92 10:35crcrlfcrcrlf
Standard AcrcrlfNa = -112mV (3)crcrlfK = -1392mV (3)
crcrlfCl = -106mV (3)crcrlfcrcrlfDifference A-Bcrcrlf
Na = 1402mV ( )cr crlfK = 1032mV ( )crcrlfCl = -1006mV ( )
crcrlfcrcrlfFluid Pack:crcrlf6 8% Remainingcrcrlfcrcrlfex
Serum Sample Report
sx* AVL 9130
*crcrlfELECTROLYTE ISEcrcrlf03JAN92
10:59crcrlfcrcrlf Name: ..........crcrlf ..........crcrlfSample:
SERUMcrcrlfcrcrlf Sample No.13 crcrlfcrcrlfNa= 159soh mmol/LcrcrlfK
= 5.4 mmol/LcrcrlfCl= 122soh mmol/Lcrcrlfcrcrlf*PERFORM DAILY
*crcrlf*MAINTENANCE ! *crcrlfcrcrlfex
9.3 Data Link Information
(9180/9181 only)
The data link with the AVL Compact 2/3 blood gas analyzer allows to
combine ISE results with pH/blood gas results on one printout. If Ca
activated on the 9180/9181, a pH-corrected Ca
value will be calculated
and printed on the combined sample report.
For connection of the 9180/9181 analyzer to the Compact 2/3 analyzer, the
optional Interface Kit (BP5202) is required. To install the kit, first turn
both instruments off. Connect the interface filter provided in the kit to the
RS232 port on the 9180/9181. Then connect one end of the cable to the
interface filter, the other end to the
port on the Compact 2/3. On
the Compact 2/3, select
under the COM2 interface options.
See Compact 2/3 Operator's Manual for details.