- ZI le Chenet - 91490 MILLY LA FORET – FRANCE - Tel : int+ 33 1 64 98 93 93 - [email protected] – www.adjets.com
Ailerons must be installed carefully. All hinges must be glued perfectly and there must be no play in
hinges, linkages and servos.
Cut the ailerons according to the engraved panel lines with a Dremel saw (fine saw) or with a diamond
Sand the balsa inserted in the stab in ½ V shape
Drill three 5 mm holes for the hinges locations.
Drill each wing for the three hinges at the limit of the top surface
Insert and glue with epoxy the three hinges in the balsa rib. (put some grease or oil on the pin axis to avoid
gluing them)
Drill the corresponding hole in the ailerons.
Insert and glue with epoxy the three hinges in the control surface. Check that the control surface can rotate
freely. All hinges must be perfectly glued.
Cut the holes in the lower skin of the wings according to the engraved panel lines for the servo covers
Make a 2 mm slot in the aileron for the control horn.
Glue the control horn with epoxy.