Chapter 2 About Your Machine
The XS series provides a complete set of system scales and printers to suit the different requirements of fresh food
counters, self-service, pre-pack areas and point of sale areas for supermarkets and speciality stores. They may be used in
stand-alone mode or linked together to form scale networks. Each network can be connected to a back office or head
office computer, to provide store or even business wide central management.
The scales can operate in a number of different modes, printing individual labels for each item or combining the
shoppers’ items together and printing a single receipt.
The XS series build types cover a range of counter service terminals, including:
XS 100 Monobloc scale
This model provides a compact weighing terminal with integrated vendor and customer display. The scale has a 58 pre-
set key keyboard for PLU selection and an additional 23 full-travel tactile keys for regularly used functions.