Chapter 3: Using Local Administrative Craft
About local Craft procedures
During or after you successfully install an IP deskphone, a system message might instruct you
to administer one of the manual procedures described in this chapter. These local
administrative procedures are also referred to as Craft procedures.
Local Administrative Options has two forms: One provides access to all the capabilities and
functionalities described in this chapter. The other provides access only to an administrable
level of VPN capabilities and functionalities. TUsing the VPN-specific option, the administrator
can grant VPN users access to the VPN procedure itself, while preventing these users from
gaining access to any other Local Administrative Procedure. The administrator may grant the
VPN user permission to change VPN settings or only to view the settings. For more information
about access to VPN-only Local Administrative Options, see the
VPN Setup Guide for 9600
Series IP Telephones, 16-602968
You can modify the settings file to set parameters for any IP deskphones that download their
upgrade script and application files from the same HTTP server.For more information, see
Administering Avaya IP Deskphone H.323 9608, 9611G, 9621G, and 9641G
Only trained installers or technicians should perform local Craft procedures. Perform these
procedures only if instructed to do so by the system or LAN administrator. Static
administration of these options causes upgrades to work differently with static administration
of these options than by dynamic administration. Values assigned to options in static
administration do not change with upgrade scripts. These values remain stored in the
deskphone until one of the following happens:
• You download a new boot file
• You reset the IP deskphone. See
on page 60.
Use these option-setting procedures only with static addressing and, as always, only if
instructed by the system or LAN administrator. Do not use these option-setting
procedures if you are using DHCP. DHCP is the Dynamic Addressing Process, as
Installing and Maintaining Avaya IP Deskphone H.323 9608, 9611G, 9621G, and 9641G
August 2013 37