1. If already connected, remove the HAC cord from the underside of the phone.
2. With the phone facing up and resting flat on a hard surface, pry up a corner of the
standard faceplate. Use your fingers, a flat screwdriver, or other non-sharp device.
Continue prying around the edge of the standard faceplate until the faceplate is
released from the phone.
3. Align the tabs on the 9641G Call Center faceplate with the slots on the outer edges
of the deskphone and push down to lock the tabs into the slots.
4. Ensure that the display bezel surrounding the screen is in proper position.
5. Plug the HAC cord back into the underside of the phone.
Plugging in and resetting the deskphone using the Dynamic
Addressing Process
Before you start this process you must have an extension number for the IP deskphone and
the Communication Manager security code (password) for that extension, unless you intend
to use the deskphone with unnamed registration. For more information, see
on page 34. Any reference to the HTTP server applies equally to an HTTPS
server. You can execute the plug in and reset process successfully using the following
description. If you see error messages, see
on page 71.
As the telephone initializes, you see messages, some of which are part of DHCP, with a power
on indication and dynamic feedback. These messages indicate that the phone is active and
not locked. You also receive useful information, about the status of the network, the server, or
the downloading operations, before the dial tone.
Deskphone initialization
This section description describes the software architecture upon which the requirements are
based and provides an overview of how you can expect the telephone to operate during startup
and software upgrades. This description is not a comprehensive description of all the internal
tasks performed during startup.
Plugging in and resetting the deskphone using the Dynamic Addressing Process
Installing and Maintaining Avaya IP Deskphone H.323 9608, 9611G, 9621G, and 9641G
August 2013 27