Do not unplug the deskphone during the download process. Wait for the download process
to complete. If the application was downloaded earlier, the whole process takes
approximately 1 to 2 minutes after the phone is plugged in. For software upgrades, including
the boot file and application file download, the process might take 5 to 10 minutes. The
duration depends on factors such as LAN loading and the number of deskphones being
During hardware initialization, the system initialization values NVCONTRAST and
NVBRIGHTNESS are checked for non-null values, and set accordingly. Deskphones with bit-
mapped display screens show the Avaya IP Deskphone name and logo.
1. The system check the system initialization value for the language file in use
(NVLANGFILE) for a non-null value, in which case the text strings in that language
file are used for text display. Otherwise, the display shows English text strings.
2. The boot programs check the Kernel or the Root File System that has previously
been marked as the one to be activated to ensure that it has not become corrupted.
If the Kernel or the Root File System is not corrupted, the system transfers control
to a process in that file system. If that file system is corrupted, the boot program
checks the other Kernel/Root File System. If that file system is not corrupted, it is
marked as the one to be activated. The system then sets the value of RFSINUSE
to the name of the Signed Kernel or Root Software Package that was used to install
that file system, and control is transferred to the Signed Kernel or Root Software
Package. If both Kernel and Root File Systems are corrupted, the system halts the
processing. The software checks whether a Signed Application or Library Software
Package has been previously downloaded. If the system finds the Application
Software Package or the Library Software Package the Application Software
Package or the Library Software Package is installed. If either the Application
Software Package or the Library Software Package has a different file name than
the currently installed version, the system replaces the existing corresponding files
in the Application File System. The system then deletes the downloaded Signed
Application or Library Software Package. If a new Signed Application or Library
Software Package is not found, the integrity of the application files is checked. If
they are corrupted, the system installs the files from the Backup Package, replacing
the corrupted files in the Application File System. Each time an Application Software
Package or a Library Software Package is installed, the system sets the value of
the persistent parameter APPINUSE to the file name of the Application Software
Package that was installed. If the application files are not corrupted, or after the
Backup Package has been installed, control is transferred to the application
installed in the Application File System. While the system loads the application files
into volatile memory and transfers control is transferred to the application files, the
bottom text line shows the value of the APPINUSE parameter.
3. The system starts and sets the internal clock/calendar is set to 0:00:00 Saturday,
January 1, 2000.
Installing the Deskphone
30 Installing and Maintaining Avaya IP Deskphone H.323 9608, 9611G, 9621G, and 9641G
August 2013