Connecting telephones and adjunct systems
404 Installation and Upgrades for Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300 Media Server
Where is the IA770 location and software
The INTUITY AUDIX system software is loaded directly onto the S8300 hard drive.
For pre-CM2.2 releases, the INTUITY AUDIX system also requires the use of a
CWY1 board. This board connects directly to the S8300 processor through the
S8300 Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) bus. Once installed, this board hosts
portions of the INTUITY AUDIX platform software. INTUITY AUDIX uses this
board to convert messages to the code-excited linear prediction (CELP) format,
convert text to speech, and process touchtones.
How are voice communication and control messages sent
In earlier versions of INTUITY AUDIX that ran on a separate PC connected to a switch, the
voice communication (messages, announcements, greetings, and so on) occurred over analog
voice ports, while control messages (timestamps, called and calling party data,
message-waiting signals, and so on) occurred over a data link on the LAN or through X.25
protocol connections.
Since the IA 770 INTUITY AUDIX system runs on a CWY1 circuit board that you plug directly
into the S8300 processor (pre-CM2.2 releases), the analog voice ports and the data link do not
use physical ports. Instead, the INTUITY AUDIX software and the switch software send voice
signals to one another using virtual ports over the TDM bus connection of the CWY1 board
(pre-CM2.2 releases) and processor board.
For Communication Manager Release 2.2, the CWY1 circuit board is no longer necessary.
The need for an AUDIX hunt group
The logic of voice ports, however, remains the same. This logic means that an INTUITY AUDIX
hunt group must still be defined with 4 or 8 virtual voice ports and extension numbers. Other
switch administration tasks that are associated with proper hunt group functions, such as
creating COR, COS, and coverage paths, are also required. The S8300 and INTUITY AUDIX
software applications send control messages to each other by using the same shared S8300
processor, and therefore, administration of a data link is not required.