Installing a New G700 without an S8300
202 Installation and Upgrades for Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300 Media Server
IP address — the unique identifier assigned to an entity on the customer LAN.
Netmask — the subnet mask for the customer’s LAN segment.
Destination — distant networks to which the IP route command needs to send packets.
Usually generalized to for networks other than the local segment.
default gateway — the gateway the ip route command specifies to get to the distant
This section contains the following procedures:
To access the P330 stack processor
To assign the IP address to the P330 stack processor
To establish IP routing for the stack
To check the serial number of the G700 media gateway processor
To assign the IP address to the G700 media gateway processor
To assign the default IP route to the G700 media gateway
To assign IP addresses to the VoIP resources
Checking for IP connections
To access the P330 stack processor
1. Set up a direct connection to the G700 Console (serial) port and access the P330 stack
processor using Hyperterminal (or similar terminal emulation application).
2. Login as root.
To assign the IP address to the P330 stack processor
1. At the P330-1(super)# prompt, type
nvram init
to recondition the processor.
This command ensures that any existing configuration information is cleared so you can
enter the IP address and IP route information.
The system prompts you to verify that you want to erase the configuration.
2. Answer the prompt by typing y
The process re-initializes the G700 software back to factory defaults so new IP addresses
can be stored correctly in the software. It also clears all configuration and administration on
the G700 Media Gateway.
The G700 Media Gateway re-initializes.
3. Type
to change to configuration mode.