File Menu: Black and White printer
The default setting in AvaSoft is to print the spectra in the same color as they appear on the
monitor. However, if a color printer is not available, the menu option “Black and White printer” can
be enabled. If this option is enabled, different line styles will be printed if more than one spectrum
is displayed, e.g. dash-dash, dot-dot, dash-dot. To enable this option, click
the menu option and a
checkmark appears in front of it.
File Menu: Display Saved Graph
This option requires that graphic files
were saved earlier by using the option
File-Save Experiment. After choosing this
option or clicking with the right mouse
button on the legenda in the display
window, a window shows all files in the
current measure mode. In the example at
the right, the measure mode is “scope”,
so the extension of the earlier saved
spectra is *.roh.
To select graphic files that were saved in
another measure mode, e.g. absorbance,
behind the Graph - …Mode, and
pick the desired measure mode.
To select graphic files from another folder or drive, click
behind the current folder name.
If a graphic file is marked by a (single) mouse click on the filename, the comment line for this file
appears at the top of the graphical region in the main window. Selecting multiple filenames can be
realized by using the CTRL or SHIFT key in combination with the mouse. If the CTRL key is pressed,
all the files that are clicked by the mouse will be selected for displaying. If the SHIFT key is pressed,
all the files in between two
clicked files will be selected for
Select the name of the file(s) to
be displayed and click the Open
button. To leave this dialog
without displaying graphic files,
click the CANCEL button.
In the figure at the right, two
graphic files were selected in
scope mode. The comments that
were saved with these graphs are
displayed at the top of the
graphical region, together with
information about amplitude at
current wavelength (amp),
integration time (it) and
smoothing (s) settings at
the moment that the file was saved and the name of the graphic file. If the active spectrometer
channels (e.g. Master) have not been unselected with the View Channel option, the actual data for
the activated channel(s) will be displayed in the same graph as the selected graphic files. By clicking