File Menu: Load Dark
With this option, dark data can be loaded, that have been saved before. If AvaSoft is in static mode,
the dark data that will be loaded are shown on the screen first.
File Menu: Load Reference
With this option, reference data can be loaded, that have been saved before. If AvaSoft is in static
mode, the reference data that will be loaded are shown on the screen first.
File Menu: Load Experiment
With this option, an experiment name
can be loaded, that has been used
before. This experiment name has the
file extension "*.kon". After choosing
this option, a dialog box shows all
experiments that were saved earlier
in the current experiment directory. If
the experiment name that needs to
be loaded is in this directory, select it
and click the save button. If the
experiment name that needs to be
loaded is in another drive and/or
directory, move to this
directory by clicking the
the current folder name.
File Menu: Save Dark
With this option, dark data are saved. For USB1 platform the name of the dark data file is
"dark*.dat", where * represents the number of the slave channel for which the dark data has been
saved (*=0 represents the master channel). For USB2 platform the name of the dark data file is
"serialnr.drk". The dark data files will be saved in the experiment directory that has been picked by
the option File-Load-Experiment or File-Start New-Experiment.
File Menu: Save Reference
With this option, reference data are saved. For USB1 platform the name of the reference data file is
"ref*.dat", where * represents the number of the slave channel for which the reference data has
been saved (*=0 represents the master channel). For USB2 platform the name of the reference data
file is "serialnr.ref".
The reference data files will be saved in the experiment directory that has been picked by the
option File-Load-Experiment or File-Start New-Experiment.