dark option has been changed, it will be necessary to save a new dark and reference spectrum
because the raw data has been changed.
If this menu option is preceded by a checkmark, the scope data is corrected with the dynamic dark
algorithm. It is recommended to leave this setting checked, which is the default state.
Setup Menu: Subtract Saved Dark
This option is used to subtract the dark spectrum that has been saved (File-Save Dark) from the raw
scope data. After starting up AvaSoft, this menu option is always unselected, because a dark
spectrum needs to be saved or loaded before it can be subtracted.
If this menu option is preceded by a checkmark, the scope data is corrected with the saved dark.
Setup Menu: Strobe Enable
This option can be used to enable or disable an external strobe (e.g. the AvaLight-XE) attached to an
AvaSpec spectrometer. The measured light intensity of the AVALIGHT-XE is independent of the
integration time in AvaSoft. To increase light intensity, the number of pulses per integration interval
should be increased. The maximum frequency at which the AVALIGHT-XE operates is 100 Hz. This
means that the minimum integration time for 1 pulse per scan is 10 ms. When setting the number of
pulses e.g. to 3, the minimum integration time becomes 30 ms. It is recommended to keep the
integration time as low as possible to avoid unnecessary increase of noise.
USB1 platform
The AvaLight-XE needs to be attached to the AvaSpec by connecting an IC-DB15-2 interface cable to
the high density 15 pole Sub-D connectors at the AvaSpec and AvaLight -XE. If used with an old XE-
2000, the XE-2000 has the possibility to switch between Single Flash and Multi Flash (in that case
there will be a switch at the backside of the XE-
2000), make sure that the switch is always in the
Single Flash position, when using the XE-2000 with an
AvaSpec spectrometer (in Single Flash mode the XE-
2000 is triggered at pin 1, in Multi Flash mode at pin
2). When clicking the “Strobe Enable” menu option, a
dialog is shown in which this number of pulses can be
set.If this menu option is preceded by a checkmark,
the strobe control function has been enabled. To
disable the strobe, simply click the menu option when
preceded by a checkmark.
Strobe (AvaLight-XE) Control USB2 platform
The AvaLight-XE needs to be attached to AvaSpec-USB2 by connecting
an IC-DB26-2 interface cable between the high density 26 pole Sub-D
connectors at the AvaSpec-USB2 and the 15-pole DB connector of the
AvaLight -XE. If used with a multichannel system, make sure that the
AvaLight-XE is connected to the master sync spectrometer, only the
number of flashes per scan set for the master synch spectrometer will
determine flash rate. To disable the strobe, simply enter 0 under the