Assembly Instructions
Spindle Drive SP -24 V / 230 V
Avoiding risk situations
Make sure that the
window can move freely and
does not clash with any
fixed parts (e.g. wall…..).
Window casement
stability / safety
Casements must be hung or secured such way that, in case one
of the mounting elements fails, it will not break away from the
frame and fall to the ground or have unintended movements by
providing double suspensions, safety scissors, casement stays.
Inward and outward opening bottom-hung casements must be
provided with safety scissors / casement stays.
They prevent damage if the drive breaks down.
The safety stays should be selected to suit the opening width and
the mechanical features of the window as intended.
They must not restrict the drive stroke.
Also refer to the „Guidelines
for power-operated windows,
doors and gates” (BGR 232)
and to the ZVEI Brochure „SHEV News,
No. 3, Power-operated windows“
Cable routing and
electrical connection
Before working on the system the mains
voltage supply and the batteries shall be disconnected in all
poles. Never operate the drives, controllers, manual switches and
sensors on operating voltages and connections contrary to the
specifications in the operating instructions.
There is danger to life and it may result in the destruction of the
Cable routing and electrical connections may only be carried out
by qualified electricians. Secure power supply lines 230 / 400V
AC separately on site. The installation requires compliance with
the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and standards such as
the Model Wiring Guideline (MLAR/ LAR/ RbALei), the VDE0100
“Erection of power installations with rated voltages below 1000V”,
VDE 0815 “Installation cables and wires”, VDE 0833 “Hazard
alarm systems for Fire, Intruder and Hold-up”. Specify suitable
types of cable on consultation with the competent local certifica-
tion authorities, energy supply companies or fire protection
thorities, if necessary.
Extra low-voltage lines (e.g. 24 V DC) must be laid separately
from low-voltage lines (e.g. 230 V AC). Flexible lines must not be
flush-mounted. Freely suspended lines must be provided with
All lines must be laid such way that they can be nei-
ther sheared off, nor twisted or kinked during operation.
All power supply connections, control units and junction boxes
must be accessible for maintenance work.
Select the types, lengths and cross-sections of the lines accord-
ing to the technical specifications.
Check connection points for tight fit of the screwed connections
and cable ends.
Risk of entrapment
Mechanical and Electrical Safety
Mounting and fastening material
Required or supplied fastening material shall be se-
lected and, if necessary, supplemented to suit the
building’s structure and the corresponding strain.
Crush and shear points
Power-operated windows, doors and gates: the dan-
ger zones of crush and shear points, for example
between casement and frame or light dome and metal
curb must be secured by appropriate devices that will
prevent any injury.
Also refer to the „Guidelines for power-operated win-
dows, doors and gates” (BGR 232) and to the ZVEI
Brochure „SHEV News, No. 3, Power-operated win-
Accident prevention regulations and guide-
lines issued by the employers’ liability
insurance association
When working at, in or on a building or part of a
building the specifications and notes of the respective
accident prevention regulations (UVV) and the regula-
tions and rules of the employers’ liability insurance
association (BGR) must be observed and adhered to.
Ambient conditions
The product must not be hit, dropped or exposed to
vibrations, humidity, aggressive gases or other dam-
aging environments unless it is approved for one or
several of these ambient conditions by the manufac-
Danger zones: Crush / shear points
Side-hung /
vertically pivoting window
Bottom-hung / horizontally
pivoting window
Roof windows / light domes
Louvre windows
Safety scissors