Seat belts
Seat belts
Why is it so important to
use seat belts?
Seat belts provide effective protection
The common belief that passengers can brace
their weight with their hands in a minor collision
is false.
Fig. 183
Driver with properly positioned seat belt - good
protection if the brakes are applied suddenly
It is an established fact that seat belts provide
good protection in accidents. Therefore wearing a
seat belt is required by law in most countries.
Properly worn seat belts hold the occupants in
the best position for maximum protection
Fig. 183.
The seat belts are capable of absorb
ing much of the kinetic energy arising in a colli
sion. Also they help to prevent uncontrolled
movements which could lead to severe injuries
page 204, Important safety notes when using
seat belts.
If they wear the seat belts correctly, the passen
gers benefit greatly from the ability of the belts
to reduce the kinetic energy gradually. The front
crumple zones and other passive safety features
(such as the airbag system) are also designed to
absorb the kinetic energy generated in a collision.
Taken together, all these features reduce the
forces acting on the occupants and consequently
the risk of injury.
Although these examples are based on a frontal
collision, the physical principles involved are the
same in other types of accidents. This is why it is
so important to put on the seat belts before ev
ery trip - even when "just driving around the cor-
ner". Ensure that your passengers wear their seat
belts as well ¢
Properly worn seat belts have been shown to be
an effective means of reducing the potential for
injury and improving the chances of survival in a
serious accident ¢
page 205, Forces acting in a
For information on how children can travel safely
in the car refer to¢
page 195, Child seats .
- Seat belts must be put on before every trip -
even when driving in town. This also applies
to the rear passengers - risk of injury!
- During pregnancy, women should always en
sure they wear a seat belt. The best way to
protect the unborn child is to protect the
page 207, Wearing and adjust
ing the seat belts during pregnancy.
Important safety notes when using seat
There are a number of safety points concerning
the seat belts which you should remember. This
will help to reduce the risk of injury in an acci
- The seat belts can only provide maximum
protection if the seats are adjusted properly
¢page 46, Seats and storage.
- To ensure proper protection, it is important
to wear the seat belts in the correct position
page 206, How to wear seat belts prop
Ensure that the seat belts are worn ex
actly as recommended in this chapter. Belts
which are not worn properly can increase
the risk of injury in accidents considerably.
- Do not allow the seat belt to become twis
ted or jammed, or to rub on any sharp
- Never allow two passengers (even children)
to share the same seat belt. It is especially
dangerous to place a seat belt over a child
sitting on your lap.