ATA J2200-VoIP GATWAY User’s Manual
You could set
start IP and End IP
what you want to do
for the other devices to get the
IP address from the ATAJ2200’s LAN port.
When you finished the setting, please click the Submit button.
Then don’t forget click the save button.
SIP Settings
1. In Service Domain Function, you need to input the account and the related
information. In this page, please refer to your ISP provider. You can register three SIP
account in the ATS-J2200X. You can dial the VoIP phone to your friends via first
enable SIP account and receive the phone from these three SIP accounts. For the
second phone you can use the same way to register.
2. First you need click Active to enable the Service Domain, then you can input the
following items:
Display Name: you can input the name you want to display.
User Name: you need to input the User Name get from your ISP.
Register Name: you need to input the Register Name get from your ISP.
Register Password: you need to input the Register Password get from your ISP.