Wireless Serial Server
User Manual
Link modes and
Select UDP radio
in the Link Mode options
Under the UDP section, you will find the following options
Local Port
This field specifies the local port number for UDP Link Mode on SW550XC which it will
be listening to and it can be any number between 1 and 65535
Note that typically the port number
that is larger than 1024 is recommended to avoid conflicting with the well
known port numbers
You should match this setting with the remote UDP program
Note that this number is usually
called destination port in the remote UDP program
Destination IP Address 1 to 4 and
its Port
Each line of these options can specify the
range of IP addresses and port number that
will be
communicating with SW550XC
The user can
define the Begin and End IP Addresses here
Four groups of
range of IP addresses are allowed
Please check the box in front of that particular line to enable it
are the IP
Addresses of the
remote UDP programs and the Port
that they are listening to
Note that the maximum number of
UDP nodes that SW550XC can handle would highly depend on the traffic load
We have tested that
SW550XC can handle
up to 200 UDP nodes
with baud rate of 9600 bps, request interval of 100ms,
and data length of 30 bytes
For other Serial Settings on the same configuration page please go to
for Advanced
Settings please go to
4.5.3 above
After finish configuring the Link Mode, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on
Save & Apply
button to save all the changes that you have made
Link Mode Applications
This section describes application options for the TCP Server, TCP Client, and UDP
Link Modes
The application
options will define how the serial data communication will be emulated over the network communication link
user will have flexibility in choosing the suitable application that matches their need for serial data communication
TCP Server Application: Enable VirtualCOM
SW550XC will encapsulate control packets on top of the real data when Virtual COM is enabled
This will allow the
Virtual COM port on the Windows
Linux operating system to access SW550XC’s COM ports
The benefit of using
Virtual COM is that rewriting an existing COM program to read IP packets is unnecessary
In other words, it is
possible to use an ordinary or legacy serial
The conversion
virtualization of IP to COM is all done
in the system driver transparently
Figure below shows SW550XC in TCP Server mode with Virtual COM enabled
Please follow the following steps to enable Virtual COM application in TCP Server Link Mode