4. Repeat the above steps to set the upper limit.
For safety, the footrest should be set at least level with
the upper landing.
5. The optimum position is met when the seat height
above the floor is the same at the top and bottom of
the stairs.
1. Safety stop switches are located in both the upward
and the downward ends of the chassis providing
protection from obstructions on the rail.
2. Safety stop is located in the footrest providing
protection from obstructions and tripping hazards on
the stairs.
3. A safety stop switch is part of the swivel seat
mechanism and prevents the lift from operating when
the swivel is in use.
4. Test all safety stop switches by driving the lift down
and touching the downward end of the chassis, the
lower edge of the footrest, and the underside of the
footrest in both its folded and unfolded positions.
5. In each of the above cases the unit should come to an
immediate halt and should beep intermittently.
6. When the control switch is released, the unit should not
be able to be driven in the direction that the lift initially
engaged the obstacle. Test this condition.
7. Repeat the above tests while driving the lift in the
opposite direction.
8. If any safety condition does not function properly,
carefully review all installation instructions, reset the
"On/Off" switch. Repeat the above tests.
9. If any safety stop switch fails to immediately stop the lift,
immediately call Ameriglide for assistance in diagnosing
and repairing the problem. Do not use the lift.
1. After the successful testing of all safety switches, sit on
the lift and operate to the top of the stairs. Keeping the
control switch pressed continuously, the lift should
gently decelerate and then stop at the top of the rail.