8.24 Use Logic Inputs
Logical inputs is a way to start any type of event with an external trigger. They are separated in three
different types:
The eight normal logical inputs are simple logical inputs with no monitoring options.
The nine evacuation inputs can be used as simple logical inputs as well as monitored logical
inputs. Monitoring type are on contact or voltage UGA. In contact
monitored mode and using a
resistor network, the measurement unit can detect 4 different states: 1.3 V, 2 V, 2.7 V and 4.4 V. The
4 states correspond respectively
to Shortcut, Closed Contact, Opened contact and Absent
(open line). The voltage UGA monitoring mode is based on polarizing the input with an external 24V
External Fault Inputs are used to put DIVA into security mode.
The way to configure event for all logic inputs' type is identical. Please read the few next step to know
how to associate an event to a logic input:
Click on the "Start" button under "Event Setting". The Events Selection window will be open, see
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