In order to create a key, follow the next few steps:
In the three square, enter a key label (3x 6 digits)
With the drop-down menu, select a key type (some keys type will automatically open a popup
window for parameters setting), see below for the complete list ok key functions
Edit your key settings by clicking on the Edit button
Key functions:
Zone Selection:
The zone selection key allows user to arrange to his will the selection of the zone. As soon as
the zone selection type has been selected, the zone selection window will
appear. Simply tick
the zone corresponding to your needs and click OK.
The Route key act like the one on the front panel, it has to be used to validate the routage of a
music source in some zones.
Music Source Selection:
When creating a music source selection key, you will have to specify the corresponding music
source with the help of the musis source selection window.
Music Level + / Music Level -:
The Music Level + and - need to be associated with a music source. The selection of the
music source is made with the music source selection window.
Note: Music
Level + and
Music Level - are two distinct keys.
Ateïs International
Ch. du Dévent, 1024 Ecublens, Switzerland.
Phone : +41 21 881 25 10