here you can select which master events' list you wan to work on
Square Selector:
you can select event(s) by ticking the square selector at their right
displays the event's name. You can specify a name for an event when editing the event.
By default the name is set to Event X
displays the priority level of an event
displays if the event is a security one or not
displays the type of the event
Next Event:
displays which event is called after this event
if an event loop have been created, displays the number of time the loop is made
Link By:
displays the previous event in the sequence or loop
Select All:
select instantaneously all events in the list
Select None:
deselect instantaneously all selected events
delete selected event from the list
Event Type:
here you can select the event type that you want to create. This have to be made
before press the Add button
after the event type selection, pressing the Add button will create the new event in the list
after creating an event, you will have to edit all its parameters. By clicking the edit button,
you will enter the different event setting windows
closes the Event window
There are different type of event and here is a list of all event that can be created. Note: some event
created by accessing the music, fireman microphone and MIC/LINE windows are automatically named
and offer settings that could differ from those described in this chapter.
Ateïs International
Ch. du Dévent, 1024 Ecublens, Switzerland.
Phone : +41 21 881 25 10