Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Compass Calibration
Compass Calibration
The compass calibration re-calibrates the SunEye’s electronic compass, and should be used only
when the compass accuracy is degraded or in question relative to other references. This proce-
dure requires multiple measurements, and must be done with care to ensure the accuracy of Sun-
Eye readings.
All compasses will perform inconsistently in the presence of ferrous or magnetic materials.
If in the orientation menu it is determined that the compass is not reading the correct heading, a
field calibration can be performed. First, make sure that the compass heading is truly in error by
insuring that it is being set correctly to either magnetic or true north and the appropriate mag-
netic declination is being used. If you are in a location that is free of magnetic disturbances and
the compass reading is still incorrect, then a field calibration should be performed.
The compass is calibrated by orienting in six different directions as directed by the calibration
procedure. When performing these measurements it is important that there not be any magnetic
or ferrous materials nearby. If present when doing the calibration, such materials can result in a
field calibration that can actually degrade the compass accuracy. It is recommended that calibra-
tion measurements be made outside and that metal objects like keys and cell phones are located
some distance away (not in your pocket). Also, metal objects like cars and buildings should not
be nearby. Generally, performing a compass calibration inside is not recommended.
Click on the Orientation button.
In the bottom right hand corner of the Orientation menu select Compass Calibration.
Orientation Menu
A screen will come up with links to information on the calibration. Click on the Begin Cal button
in the lower left hand corner.