be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.
7. The section titles and paragraph headings in these TOS are for convenience only and have no legal or
contractual effect.
I. Service Description
AT&T Phone is a residential enhanced voice communication service that converts voice communications into
Internet Protocol (IP) packets that are carried over AT&T's IP network. It may be generically referred to as “voice
over IP” or “VoIP.” The Service includes direct-dialed calling and certain calling and call management features or
advanced features associated with the Service, including additional features or advanced features which may be
offered at additional costs, all of which AT&T, in its sole discretion, may add, modify, or delete from time to time.
The Service also includes a telephone number or numbers that will be included in printed directories and/or
directory assistance databases, and options, available at additional costs, to have numbers withheld from
printed directories and/or directory assistance databases. The Service is not available for business use. It is not
mobile or nomadic and will function only in your home.
When you accept these TOS, you become the main account holder for each telephone number assigned to
the AT&T Phone service and all plans, features, and functionalities associated with each telephone number,
whether those telephone numbers, plans, features, and functionalities are purchased initially or are added
subsequently. These TOS apply to all such telephone numbers, and to the Service and the plans, features, and
functionalities associated with the Service, for both the main account and all sub accounts. You will be asked
to choose a unique name for the main account (your main account ID).
You may create up to ten subaccounts under your main account, for others in your household
(each subaccount will have a separate password and ID). Main account holders are responsible for all activity
on their main account and on any and all subaccounts. Violations of these TOS in a main account or in a
subaccount can result in suspension or termination of the main account and all associated subaccounts. Call
histories (call logs for outgoing, answered, and missed calls) for each telephone number are accessible in the
main account and in each subaccount created under the telephone number. Main account holders can reset
subaccount passwords and IDs by contacting Customer Service and can delete and recreate subaccounts.
You agree to advise all subaccount holders that the main account holder can have access to all aspects of
their subaccount, including, but not limited to, feature settings, voicemail messages, and address books. All
subaccount holders can therefore have no expectation of privacy vis-à-vis the main account holder with
regard to any aspect of the subaccount.
II. Billing And Payments
For AT&T Phone service, nonrecurring and usage-based charges generally billed in the billing cycle following
the transaction include, but are not limited to, international calling (including surcharges for international
termination to a wireless phone number), Operator Services, Directory Assistance (411 or xxx.555.1212), call
trace, and overage minutes associated with defined minutes-of-use plans (e.g. Phone200 plan). Partial
minutes are rounded up for per-minute usage charges.
III. Service-Specific Equipment
AT&T Phone service requires a regular touchtone landline telephone, which you must supply and which must
be connected to the WG or iNID, either directly or through your home’s inside wiring. (Rotary and pulse phones
will not work). The WG or iNID will support up to two AT&T Phone lines (telephone numbers used for inbound
and outbound calling).
You agree that neither you nor a third party will move Equipment used for AT&T Phone service within your
premises or to any other physical location outside of the premises where it was installed by AT&T. AT&T Phone
service is not designed to be nomadic and will not function properly if the WG is moved or altered by a non-
AT&T employee. If you require the WG to be moved, you must contact AT&T. Failure to do so may result in a
failure of the Service and/or in AT&T’s termination of your Service.
IV. Interruptions, Limitations, And Modifications to Service
Since voice over IP is dependent on the IP network, the availability of an adequate power source, and correct
Equipment configuration, AT&T does not guarantee that AT&T Phone service will be continuous or error-free.
You acknowledge and understand that AT&T cannot guarantee that voice over IP communication is
completely secure.
You also acknowledge that AT&T may establish general practices and limits concerning use of the AT&T
Phone service, including without limiting other limitations set forth in these TOS or otherwise, AT&T Phone
service cannot be used to make operator-assisted collect or third-party billing calls (Note: a AT&T Phone
Terms of Service