ASUS PCI-SIU2 User’s Manual
New OS/2 installation:
These instructions will guide you through the ASUS OS/2 device driver and
OS/2 installation at the same time. The program can be installed from floppy
diskettes or from CD-ROM. The OS/2 driver for the PCI-SIU2 will be found
on the PCI-SIU2 DRIVER DISK 1. It is important that the PCI-SIU2 hard-
ware has been installed successfully before proceeding further.
Make a duplicate copy of OS/2 Diskette 1 using a blank diskette and
label it as “OS/2 Diskette 1 for PCI-SIU2”.
Copy the INIA100.ADD file from the PCI-SIU2 DRIVER DISK 1
(OS/2 sub-directory) to the root directory on the “OS/2 diskette 1 for
Using an appropriate text editor modify the CONFIG.SYS on the OS/
2 Diskette 1 for PCI-SIU2 to include the new ASUS driver.
Enter: BASEDEV=INIA100.ADD and save the file.
* * * note place lines after ‘set os2_shell=cdint.exe’ * * *
BASEDEV=INIA100.ADD set copyfromfloppy=1
Insert the Installation Diskette into drive A: and turn on your com-
puter. This will begin the OS/2 installation and establish an OS/2 boot-
able hard drive.
When prompted, insert the “OS/2 Diskette 1 for PCI-SIU2.” Follow
the on-screen instructions to continue.
You have completed the ASUS device driver installation for OS/2. Fol-
low the on-screen instructions and OS/2 manual for a complete de-
scription of OS/2 installation.
10. OS/2 Driver Installation