Introducing Froment Load Banks
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Froment Load Bank Control Options
Reliable testing requires precise control of the load applied to the generator and accurate
real-time measurement of the generator’s output.
To achieve this, most Froment load banks are fitted with a Sigma 2 load control system.
Sigma 2 is a microprocessor-based control and instrumentation system specifically
developed for load bank applications.
Sigma 2 provides precise control over the operation of each load element during the test
whilst simultaneously measuring the results. The unit also provides safety monitoring and
interlocks which shut down the load bank safely should a problem occur.
Figure 1-3
Sigma 2 load bank control unit.
User control interfaces
The wide variety of different applications for load banks require a wide variety of user
control interfaces. These range from a very basic switch controlled system through to
sophisticated computerised control, instrumentation and data logging systems.
All Froment load banks are supplied with a built-in switch plate which contains a Fan and
Controls Supply Isolator, Start and Stop switches and (for Sigma2 controller equipped
units) Sigma control cable connectors.
The switch plate may contain other controls, depending on the specific load bank variant.
Depending on the application, the Sigma controller unit can be operated by a number of
different control interfaces. These include: