Introducing Froment Load Banks
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How Do Load Banks Work?
Load banks are complex precision engineered machines, but to explain the general
principal we can provide a very simple model of how they work:
Figure 1-1
Basic DIY generator output test system.
Figure 1-1 shows the general arrangement of a very basic DIY generator testing system.
It’s simple, but it contains the four basic items necessary to test a generating set safely:
1. The fan heater’s heating elements provide an electrical load that is large enough to
ensure that the generator runs at full capacity.
2. The fan heater’s switch gear provides a control system that will ensure that the load
can be applied safely, and in a way that will not cause damage to the generator and its
control circuits, or injury to the personnel running the test.
3. The fan in the fan heater provides a method of safely dissipating the considerable
amount of heat generated by the test.
4. The voltmeter and ammeter provide instrumentation that will allow the results of the
test to be monitored.
Of course, this kind of arrangement can provide only a crude test for a low powered
generator and its ability to match the generator’s output accurately is very limited. As the
output of the generator increases, the cabling, switchgear and control equipment required
for this becomes increasingly heavier and more sophisticated. In addition, because of the
large amount of heat generated during testing, the issue of how to conduct the test safely
becomes increasingly significant.