MultiVoice Gateway System Administration
Terminal-server commands
MultiVoice Gateway for the MAX— User’s Guide
Preliminary November 23, 1998
Telnet command
The Telnet command initiates a login session to a remote host. It uses the following format:
telnet [-a|-b|–t]
hostname [port-number]
If DNS is configured in the Ethernet profile, you can specify a hostname:
ascend% telnet myhost
If you do not configure DNS, you must specify the host’s IP address instead. There are also
several options in Ethernet > Mod Config > TServ Options that affect Telnet. For example, if
you set Def Telnet to Yes, you can just type a hostname to open a Telnet session to that host:
ascend% myhost
Another way to open a session is to invoke Telnet first, then enter the Open command at the
Telnet prompt. For example:
ascend% telnet
telnet> open myhost
The Telnet prompt is
. When you see that prompt, you can enter any of the Telnet
commands described in “Telnet session commands” on page 10-12. You can quit the Telnet
session at any time by typing
at the Telnet prompt:
telnet> quit
During an open Telnet connection, press Ctrl-] to display the
prompt and the
Telnet command-line interface. Any valid Telnet command returns you to the open session.
Note that Ctrl-] does not function in binary-mode Telnet. If you log into the MultiVoice
Gateway through Telnet, you might want to change its escape sequence from Ctrl-] to a
different setting.
Telnet command arguments
The Telnet command accepts the following arguments:
If you configure DNS, you can specify the remote system’s
. Otherwise, hostname must be the IP address of the
remote station.
-a | -b | -t
Specify ASCII, Binary, or Transparent mode, respectively. A
specification on the command line overrides the setting of the
Telnet Mode parameter.
In ASCII mode, the MultiVoice Gateway uses standard seven-bit
In Binary mode, the MAX tries to negotiate eight-bit Binary mode
with the server at the remote end of the connection.
In Transparent mode, the user can send and receive binary files, and
use eight-bit file transfer protocols, without having to be in Binary
Port to use for the session. The default is 23, the well-known port
for Telnet.