4.2. Using Tags as a Filter
You can narrow (and sometimes expand) your search using different tags. There are two
kinds of tags:
Types and Styles. You can filter by one, the other, or both.
4.2.1. Types
Types are categories of instruments and musical roles: bass, leads, strings, pads, organs,
and more. With a clear search bar, click the
button to bring up a list of types. Notice
that each type also has several sub-types:
Click any one of them, and the results will show only Presets that match that tag. You can
also select multiple Types using Cmd-click (macOS) or Ctrl-click (Windows). For example, if
you aren't sure whether the Preset you're looking for was tagged with Keys or Pad, select
both to broaden the search.
Results columns can be inverted by clicking the arrow buttons to the right of their titles
(Name, Type, Designer).
Arturia - User Manual Solina V - The Preset Browser