The RTD input module is an add-on module with eight (8) RTD input channels. Each input supports
2-wire, 3-wire and 4-wire RTD sensors as well as thermocouple (TC) sensors. The sensor type can be
selected with software for two groups, four channels each. The supported sensor types are as follows:
• Supported RTD sensors: Pt100, Pt1000
• Supported thermocouple sensors: type K (NiCh/NiAl), type J (Fe/constantan), type T (Cu/
constantan) and type S (Cu/CuNi compensating).
Figure. 8.8 - 272. Different sensor types and their connections.
8.9 Serial RS-232 communication module (optional)
Figure. 8.9 - 273. Serial RS-232 module connectors.
Instruction manual
Version: 2.04