You must phone the Authorisation Centre for transactions over your Authorised Floor Limit
using the above phone numbers (refer to section 1.2) to verify if the account has sufficient
funds available to cover the transaction. If approval is not obtained for transaction above
your Authorised Floor Limit, you risk the transactions being charged back.
When you contact the Authorisation Centre, a transaction will be ‘approved’ or ‘declined’.
If declined, please advise the customer to contact the Card Issuer and seek an alternative
method of payment.
An alpha character may be provided as part of the approval code. Select the numeric key
corresponding to the alpha character and press <
> key to scroll through options. Example: If
character ‘C’ is required, select number ‘2’ on the pinpad and press the <
>key until you scroll to
character ‘C’, then press ENTER.
• A transaction may still be charged back despite being authorised by the
Authorisation Centre
• A $0 floor limit applies to all card transactions.
Retain Card
If the Card Issuer has cancelled the card, the Authorisation Centre may ask that you try to
retain the card.
1.5 Change of Business Details
The General Conditions describe various situations in which you must notify us of a
change to your circumstances.
Please visit anz.com/merchantconnect to complete and submit the respective form or
contact ANZ Merchant Services on 1800 039 025 if there are any changes to your:
• Business name and/or address
• Business type or activities including changes in the nature or mode of operation
of your business
• Mailing address
• Ownership
• Bank/branch banking details
• Telephone or fax numbers
• Industry
• Email Address.
Should your business be sold, cease to trade or no longer require an ANZ Merchant Facility,
please contact ANZ Merchant Services on 1800 039 025.
The General Conditions set out your obligations when your business is sold, ceases to trade
or no longer requires an ANZ Merchant Facility.
You must ensure that all stationery, promotional material, Transaction Vouchers, Card
Imprinters and equipment (including Electronic Terminals) is returned to ANZ, based on the
closure instructions provided by ANZ Merchant Services.