$10.00 KEY PIN
Have the cardholder enter their PIN then press
The terminal status is displayed.
Please ensure that you check for approval of the
transaction before completing the sale. Your POS
system should now print your transaction record. If
the transaction is declined, the terminal will display
an error message outlining the reason (please refer
to section 17).
10.2 How to Process a Credit Purchase Transaction using a Magnetic Stripe Card or
Chip Card
The process below provides a sample of a typical Magnetic Strip or chip-based transaction.
Please be aware that there may be variances in the transaction flow based on the card
configuration chosen by the Card Issuer. Please ensure the terminal prompts are followed
at all times and the cardholder is requested to interact with the terminal whenever
Please refer to your Point of Sale (POS) manual to
initiate a Purchase transaction.
Perform card security checks, please refer to section 6
Fraud Minimisation for further information on the card
security checks.
Insert or Swipe the cardholder’s card. Chip Cards are to
be inserted and left in the Chip Card Reader. Magnetic
Stripe Cards are to be swiped through the Magnetic
Stripe Card Reader.