Reader data from U flash drive, must keep the file store in the G:\00000001folder in
the U flash driver. [G] is the Driver letter of the U flash driver . And [00000001] is the
device ID.
Software interface show as follow:
Read the data from the U flash driver
First select driver letter for U flash driver,
click [Read the data from the U flash driver] the system will read the attendance records
and import them to local Att2003.mdb database.
The database must include employee information before you read the
attendance record from the U flash driver.
Read the user info from the U flash driver
click [Read the user info from the U
flash driver] the user info will import to local Att2003.mdb database and user fingerprint
template will store in the Template folder which under software installed path.
If the user info have already existed in the local database the system will
prompt “Record repeated”
Back user info to U flash driver
backup user info and fingerprint template to U