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communication protocol.
5.6 Speed Limit Over and Buzzer Alert:
TS100W device uses the GPS signal to detect vehicle's moving speed. It provides speed limit
value for user to configure, if the device moving speed is more than the limit value for 5seconds
continuously, it will generate an alarm event and give alert out.
When speed over alarm happened, device will use following ways to alert monitoring base:
1) Send GPRS AVL data to Server, which can view from the server client software. This data
will only send once. Only after this speed value has been decreased the limit and go up again,
so it will send another alert.
2) Send SMS to authorized cell phone NOs.. This could be enabled and disabled via
configurator software.
3) Activate an external connected buzzer for beep alert.
And this could be enable and disable by configurator software too. The buzzer will make sound in the whole process, only after the speed decreased to be under the limit
value, then it will stop the beep sound.
5.7 Driver working time Limit:
TS100W has a management system for driver working time. This function is designed for protect
driver use the vehicle in non-working time. Like if you setup the working time is from 9:00am to
18:00pm, the vehicle is only allowed to be started during this time period. Otherwise, device will
generate a working time over event and send alert to Server.
This time period only can be configured from Server Client software remotely.
5.8 GEO Fencing:
TS100W device allow user to configure 10 GEO Fencing areas. And the fencing area could be
circle or rectangle shape.