AS7030B/AS7038GB/AS7038RB Overview
Eval Kit Manual
• v1-00 • 2021-May-06
│ 9
AS7030B/AS7038GB/AS7038RB Overview
Based on the optical filter and photodiode size, there are three types of AS703xxB sensors. AS7030B
& AS7038GB are most sensitive to green/IR light, and AS7038RB is most sensitive to red/IR light. On
the other hand, AS7030B has internal LEDs (two greens and one IR LED), but AS7038GB/RB
supports only external LEDs.
The operation of the AS7030B/AS7038GB/AS7038RB is based on photoplethysmography (PPG) and
electrocardiogram (ECG). PPG is the most used HRM method, which measures the pulse rate by
sampling light modulated by the blood vessels, which expand and contract as blood pulses through
them. ECG is the reference for any measurement of the biopotential generated by the heart.
Additionally, AS7038RB can measure blood oxygen saturation (SpO2).
In addition, the AS7030B/AS7038GB/AS7038RB devices also provide interfaces to external sensors.
These integrate an optical front end, ECG amplifier, electrical analog front end, and light to frequency
(LTF) converter. Features a built-in sampling sequencer, 128-byte FIFO, a 14-bit SAR ADC, four
GPIO pins, and an I²C interface.
The main architecture of the AS703xxB sensor series is the same except a LED configurations,
AS7030B has internal LEDs but AS7038GB/RB does not.
In this User Guide, the complete AS703xxB sensor series will be explained. Therefore, the chip
number will be emphasized if the dedicated part will come during the explanation. If there is no chip
number is mentioned in a chapter or portion of the chapter, that implies all the chips.
Optical Front End (OFE)
The Figure 7 below shows the block diagram of the optical front end.