EVAL-IH-R5IPB-A-V1 Evaluation board
User Guide
About this document
Scope and purpose
This application note is a user guide of the evaluation board for IEWS20R5135IPB. It explains the board’s
hardware and provides detailed instructions on how to use it for addressing various measurement tasks. Finally,
practical examples demonstrate the benefits of the IEWS20R5135IPB in the real application.
Intended audience
This document is intended for owners and users of the evaluation board. Please read carefully the
recommendations provided in this document for safely operating this board.
Important Notice
Environmental conditions have been considered in the design of the Evaluation and Reference Boards provided
by Infineon Technologies. The design of the Evaluation and Reference Boards is tested by Infineon Technologies
only as described in this document. The design is not qualified in terms of safety requirements, manufacturing
and operation over the entire operating temperature range or lifetime.
The Evaluation and Reference Boards provided by Infineon Technologies are
subject to functional testing only
under typical load conditions
. Evaluation and Reference Boards are not subject to the same procedures as
regular products regarding returned material analysis (RMA), process change notification (PCN) and product
discontinuation (PD).
Evaluation and Reference Boards are not commercialized products and are
solely intended to be
used for
evaluation and testing purposes
. They shall not be used for reliability testing or production. Hence, the
Evaluation and Reference Boards may not comply with CE or similar standards (including but not limited to the
EMC Directive 2004/EC/108 and the EMC Act) and may not fulfill other requirements of the country in which they
are operated by the Customer. The Customer shall ensure that each Evaluation and/or Reference Board will be
handled in a way which is compliant with all relevant requirements and standards in the country in which they
are operated.
The Evaluation and Reference Boards are addressed
only to qualified and skilled technical staff, for
laboratory usage,
and shall be used and managed according to the terms and conditions set forth in this
document and in any other related documentation provided with the respective Evaluation or Reference Board.
It is the responsibility of the Customer’s technical staff to evaluate the suitability of the Evaluation and Reference
Boards for the intended application and the completeness of the Evaluation and Reference Board information
provided in this document with respect to such application
The Customer accepts that the Evaluation and
Reference Boards are not intended to be used for life-endangering applications such as medical, nuclear,
military, life-critical or other applications, where failure of the Evaluation and Reference Boards or any results
from the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury.
Application Note
Please read the Important Notice and Warnings at the end of this document
V 1.1
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