EVAL-IH-R5IPB-A-V1 Evaluation board
User Guide
Figure 4
Overview of the board schematics (a) and components (b)
For versatility, the evaluation board has been equipped with a control stage that allows the output power of the
converter to be changed, and that offers optical feedback of the status of the IEWS20R5135IPB during operation.
An Infineon 32-bit XMC™ 1000 Industrial Microcontroller ARM® Cortex®-M0 has been used as core of the control.
The control stage is implemented on a separate area of the evaluation board in order to offer a safe, low-voltage
region for controlling the operation of the main converter. The board also comes with a heatsink and fan
arrangement, the size and shape of which provides enough cooling performance required for continuous
operation. The fan speed is regulated by the MCU according to the feedback of the status provided by the
The experimental analysis of the IEWS20R5135IPB operation requires oscilloscope measurements of the
collector-emitter voltage (V
), the voltage at pin INN, and the collector current. These three measurements allow
for a complete understanding of the IEWS20R5135IPB operation and status. A more detailed analysis of the
IEWS20R5135IPB behavior could require also the measurement of the voltages at the VDET and CS pins. All the
voltages, except the one at the CS pin, can be measured by connecting the oscilloscope probe to the test points
that are provided on the board.
In order to measure the collector-emitter voltage, a high-voltage probe must be used, as the peak value of
such a voltage exceeds the value of 1 kV also during normal operation, and may even be higher if surge tests
are performed.
For the measurement of the voltages at the INN and VDET pins, a standard passive probe in combination
with a ground spring can be used, as shown in Figure 5a.
Figure 5
Example of probe connection for the measurement of: VINN and VVDET (a), IC (b) and VCS
Application Note
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