Software Description
Eval Kit Manual
• v1-00 • 2021-May-06
│ 46
Figure 49:
Register Map Dialog
Saving Current Configuration Settings to a File
The current configuration settings can be exported to a file. To d
o this, click on the “File
Configuration” menu. This will open the “Save Configuration File” dialog box on the second picture on
the right. Enter file name and choose the file location, then click “Save”.
Loading Configuration Settings from File
load a previously exported configuration settings, click on the “File
Load Configuration” menu.
This will open the “Select Configuration File” dialog box. Select the configuration file from which to
load settings and click “Open” button.
The settings imported from the file can be reviewed in the relevant configuration windows.
If the GUI is connected to the board, the newly imported settings will be applied immediately,
otherwise upon successful connection to the board.