Software Description
Eval Kit Manual
• v1-00 • 2021-May-06
│ 29
Select one of the built-in configuration presets
Optionally check and change AS7030B/AS7038GB/AS7038RB settings. On the first startup
after SW installation no settings are loaded, after that the last used settings will be used.
To start a measurement with the current settings click on the Start button.
The green AS7030B/AS7038GB/AS7038RB LEDs will turn on
, Start button’s caption will
change to “Stop”
Hold the ECG INP and reference electrodes with pointer and middle finger of your left hand, put
the pointer finger of your right hand on the ECG INN electrode and the middle finger of your
right hand on the AS7030B/AS7038GB/AS7038RB to measure
The raw pulse and ECG data will be displayed in the GUI
The output of the algorithm will be displayed on the right hand side of the window. The numbers
in the curly brackets show how many seconds have passed since the last result different than
zero was reported. After five seconds of no new result, the values will time out and the content
of the fie
lds will change to “--“.
AS7030B/AS7038GB/AS7038RB Configuration Settings
The AS7030B/AS7038GB/AS7038RB configuration settings are located on the left of the evaluation
software (see Figure 22). At power-up, the board starts with the following default configuration:
The two green LEDS - LED1(VD1) and LED2(VD2) are enabled, the LED current set to 1 mA
Sequencer period set to 2000 µs
Photodiode Trans-Impedance amplifier (TIA) is on and used
All filters are on and used
ADC is set to measure only the optical front end 1 after the gain stage (OFE1)
The individual settings of each of the AS7030B/AS7038GB/AS7038RB blocks can be viewed/changed
in the dedicated configuration sub menu. To enter the submenus press the corresponding button.