6.2. Running the Board Test System
Before you begin
With the power to the board off, follow these steps:
1. Connect the USB cable to your PC and the board.
2. Ensure that the Ethernet patch cord is plugged into the RJ-45 connector.
3. Check whether the development board swicthes and jumpers are set according to
your preferences.
4. Set the load selector switch (SW3.3) to OFF for user hardware1 (page#1). The
development kit ships with the CFI Flash device preprogrammed with a default:
Factory FPGA configuration for running the Board Update Portal design
User configuration for running the BTS demonstration
5. Turn on the power to the board. The board loads the design stored in the user
hardware1 portion of flash memory into the FPGA. If your board is still in the
factory configuration, or if you have downloaded a newer version of the BTS to the
flash memory through the Board Update Portal, the design loads the GPIO,
Ethernet and flash memory tests.
To ensure operating stability, keep the USB cable connected and the board powered on
when running the demonstration application. The BTS cannot run correctly unless the
USB cable is attached and the board is on.
To run the BTS
1. Navigate to the
<package dir>\examples\board_test_system
directory and
run the
2. A GUI appears, displaying the application tab corresponding to the design running
in the FPGA. If the design loaded in the FPGA is not supported by the BTS GUI,
you will receive a message prompting you to configure your board with a valid BTS
design. Refer to the Configure Menu on configuring your board.
If some design is running in the FPGA, the BTS GUI loads the design file (
) in the
image folder to check the current running design in the FPGA; therefore the design
running in the FPGA must be the same as the design file in the image folder.
6.3. Using the Board Test System
This section describes each control in the BTS.
6.3.1. The Configure Menu
Use the Configure Menu to select the design you want to use. Each design example
tests different board features. Select a design from this menu and the corresponding
tabs become active for testing.
6. Board Test System
UG-20046 | 2018.07.20
10 GX FPGA Development Kit User Guide