NetEnforcer AC-2500 Hardware Guide
Chapter 3: Setting Up the NetEnforcer
In order to manage and configure NetEnforcer policies remotely from your Web
browser or NetXplorer centralized management software, several basic parameters must
be configured on NetEnforcer. You can configure these basic parameters using a
terminal connected to NetEnforcer or by using the LCD panel.
Configuring Via a Terminal or Telnet
You can use a standard terminal /PC running terminal emulation software connected to
the Console port, or Telnet via the internet to configure a NetEnforcer. If you choose to
connect via the Console port, most standard windows-based PC systems have a terminal
emulation program called
that can be used for this purpose. Configure
the terminal to run VT100 terminal emulation with the following parameters:
Baud rate 19200
8 bits
Stop bits 1
No flow control
No parity