GUPPY Technical Manual
IIDC 1394-based Digital Camera Specification Version 1.30 July 25, 2000
The purpose of this document is to act as a design guide for digital camera
makers that wish to use IEEE 1394 as the camera-to-PC interconnect.
Adherence to the design specifications contained herein do not guarantee,
but will promote interoperability for this class of device. The camera reg-
isters, fields within those registers, video formats, modes of operation, and
controls for each are specified. Area has been left for growth. To make
application for additional specification, contact the 1394 Trade Associa-
tion Instrumentation and Industrial Control Working Group, Digital Camera
Sub Working Group (II-WG DC-SWG).
IIDC V1.31
IIDC V1.31 was published in January 2004, evolving the industry standards
for digital imaging communications to include I/O and RS232 handling,
and adding additional formats.
Image processing
In the broadest sense, image processing includes any form of information
processing in which the input is an image. Many image processing tech-
niques derive from the application of signal processing techniques to the
domain of images — two-dimensional signals such as photographs or
Typical problems are:
Geometric transformations such as enlargement, reduction, and rota-
Color corrections such as brightness and contrast adjustments, quan-
tization, or conversion to a different color space
Combination of two or more images, e.g. into an average, blend, dif-
ference, or image composite
Interpolation, demosaicing, and recovery of a full image from a
mosaic image (e.g. a Bayer pattern, etc.)
Noise reduction and other types of filtering, and signal averaging
Edge detection and other local operators
Segmentation of the image into regions
Infrared (abbr. IR) is the region beyond the visible spectrum at the red
end, typically greater than 770 nm.
see IR cut filter