GUPPY Technical Manual
Patent of Dr. Bryce E. Bayer of Eastman Kodak. This patent refers to a par-
ticular arrangement of color filters used in most single-chip digital image
sensors used in digital cameras to create a color image. The filter pattern
is 50% green, 25% red and 25% blue, hence is also called RGBG or GRGB
BAYER demosaicing
BAYER demosaicing is the process of transforming the BAYER mosaic back
to RGB.
BAYER filter
see BAYER mosaic
BAYER mosaic
A Bayer filter mosaic is a color filter array (CFA) for arranging RGB color
filters on a square grid of photo sensors. The term derives from the name
of its inventor, Bryce Bayer of Eastman Kodak, and refers to a particular
arrangement of color filters used in most single-chip digital cameras.
Bryce Bayer's
patent called the green photo sensors luminance-sensitive
elements and the red and blue ones chrominance-sensitive elements. He
used twice as many green elements as red or blue to mimic the human eye's
greater resolving power with green light. These elements are referred to as
samples and after interpolation become pixels.
The raw output of Bayer-filter cameras is referred to as a Bayer Pattern
image. Since each pixel is filtered to record only one of the three colors,
two-thirds of the color data is missing from each. A demosaicing algorithm
is used to interpolate a set of complete red, green, and blue values for each
point, to make an RGB image. Many different algorithms exist.
Big endian
Byte order: big units first (compare: little endian)
is the process of combining neighboring pixels while being read
out from the CCD chip.
Binning factor
Binning factor is the number of pixels to be combined on a CCD during bin-
ning. A binning factor of 2x2 means that the pixels in two rows and two
columns (a total of four pixels) are combined for CCD readout.
Bit depth
Bit depth is the number of bits that are digitized by the A/D converter.
A raster graphics image, digital image, or bitmap, is a data file or structure
representing a generally rectangular grid of pixels, or points of color, on a
computer monitor, paper, or other display device.