GUPPY Technical Manual
IEEE 1394
Trade Association
IEEE 1394 Trade Association is a non-profit industry association devoted
to the promotion of and growth of the market for IEEE 1394-compliant
Participants in working groups serve voluntarily and without compensation
from the Trade Association. Most participants represent member organiza-
tions of the 1394 Trade Association. The specifications developed within
the working groups represent a consensus of the expertise represented by
the participants.
Background of the Trade Association and IEEE 1394
The 1394 Trade Association was founded in 1994 to support the develop-
ment of computer and consumer electronics systems that can be easily
connected with each other via a single serial multimedia link. The IEEE
1394 multimedia connection enables simple, low cost, high bandwidth iso-
chronous (real time) data interfacing between computers, peripherals, and
consumer electronics products such as camcorders, VCRs, printers, PCs, TVs,
and digital cameras. With IEEE 1394 compatible products and systems,
users can transfer video or still images from a camera or camcorder to a
printer, PC, or television, with no image degradation. The 1394 Trade Asso-
ciation includes more than 170 companies and continues to grow.
Members of the 1394 Trade Association
The 1394 Trade Association is comprised of more than 170 member com-
panies. Membership is still in a rapid growth phase, with approximately
one company a week joining the 1394 TA. The membership consists of a
number of companies of every size in almost every sector of the electronics
industry. Some of the best known names in the 1394 TA membership are
Sony, Intel, Microsoft, JVC, Matsushita, Compaq, NEC, Philips, Samsung,
among other well respected electronics institutions.
Organization of the 1394 Trade Association
The 1394 TA is incorporated as a nonprofit trade organization. Its Board of
Directors and Chair are volunteers elected from the membership of the
association. The 1394 TA maintains an office in Southlake, Texas, with paid
staff that execute the programs organized by the 1394 TA membership.
The 1394 Trade Association
nstrumentation and
ndustrial Control Working
amera Sub Working Group