8. Connection of the Transducers
of the device-internal channels: If several sensors are being used
for the same application, they do not have to be reprogrammed and can be
freely exchanged without losing their function channels. If, however, the whole
application operates with just one sensor, then programming in the sensor itself
makes more sense.
On the measuring instrument this gives the following channel assignment:
When building up a working measuring arrangement, it is very important that
there cannot flow any compensation currents between sensors, power supply
and peripherals. This is the case when all measuring points are on the same
potential or when unequal potentials are electrically isolated.
The 5 analog inputs are electrically isolated by photovoltaic relais and between
them a potential difference of at most 50 V DC or 60V AC is permitted. However,
combined sensors within one connector and sensors with power supply are
elelctrically connected; therefore they must be operated isolatedly. The voltage
at the measuring inputs (between B,C,D and A or -) must not exceed 12V!
The power supply is isolated by the transformer of the mains adapter or by the
DC/DC-converter in the adapter cable ZA2690-UKx. Data and trigger cables are