BA Intellidrive User’s Manual
Communication and Commands
Version 1.4
Aerotech, Inc.
character. If the file does not exist, the BAI returns a file size of "0" bytes. The host
should send a NAK to abort transmission.
The BAI transmits the file data to the host.
The BAI transmits the checksum as an ASCII string terminated by the < LF> character.
The checksum is calculated by accumulating each byte of the file data to a 16 unsigned
3.4.5. Format
Command Syntax:
FM 0 <LF>
FM 1 <LF>
This format command allows the user to control how numbers are returned from the
BAI. IF the argument is 0, the returned data is an ASCII Dec. If the argument is 1, the
data is returned as ASCII Hex.
3.4.6. Get Message Command
Command Syntax:
The GM command can be used to retrieve messages from the BAI under the following
a PM (motion level command) command is used in a program, and
the BAI is a daisy chain mode and the unit is not selected.
When the BAI is running in daisy chain mode and a particular unit tries to write a string
to the serial port, the BAI verifies that it is the currently selected unit. If it is, it will
send the string out of the serial port. If it is not, it will write the string to a buffer where
it can be extracted at a later time with the GM command.
Command Syntax:
HD x <LF>
Table 3-4.
Hold/Trigger/Cancel Variables
Service Request Mode
Enable hold mode
Cancel hold mode
When in the hold mode, programs will load, but not execute until issuing the TR
command. If the Global trigger command is sent, all units in the chain will leave HOLD
mode and begin execution. Refer to Table 3-4 for variable settings.
The trigger command (TR) is also used to advance a program when running in
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