BA Intellidrive User’s Manual
Version 1.4
Aerotech, Inc.
4.2.17. PRM:16 Hall Effects Available
If the motor has Hall effects available (PRM:16=1), the controller uses the halls to
initialize the commutation table. If the hall signals are not available or are not recognized
by the controller, the user should set this value to 0. If this value is 0, the controller
attempts to initialize the motor by energizing the phases to a known rotor position and
then commutate via the encoder from this known value. The peak current used to energize
the phases is given in PRM:17. Refer to Table 4-19 for parameter settings.
Requires a reset (CTRL-D) before taking effect.
If the user uses this method to initialize the motor on a linear stage, ensure that the stage
is not near a hardware limit.
Table 4-19.
Settings for Hall Effects Available PRM:16
Default Value
1(Halls available)
Maximum Value
Minimum Value
Long (32bit)
This method may not work on vertical stages.
4.2.18. PRM:17 Initialization Current
This parameter defines the peak current sent to the motor during an initialization. This
only applies to brushless motors without hall signals (PRM:16=0). The value of this
parameter is in percent (%). Refer to Table 4-20 for parameter settings.
Care must be taken to ensure that the peak current applied to the motor does not
exceed the motor’s ratings.
Motor may jump during initialization.
Requires a reset (CTRL-D) before taking effect.
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