Getting Started
BA Intellidrive User’s Manual
Aerotech, Inc.
Version 1.4
These programs can also run in a DOS shell under Windows 95/98/NT. Again, in order
for the COM_BAI.exe program to run correctly, the ansi.sys driver must be loaded.
Using an editor, perform the following:
For Windows 95/98, add the following line to the config.sys file.
DEVICE =c:\win95\command\ansi.sys
For Windows NT, add the following line to the config.nt file in the winnt\system32
DEVICE =%SystemRoot%\system32\ansi.sys
Restart the system PC after making these changes.
Using DOS (or a DOS shell under Windows 95/98/NT), run the COM_BAI.exe from
the PC by typing "COM_BAI.exe 1 (if connected to COM 1 port). If connected to
COM 2 port, type "COM_BAI.exe 2." The screen in Figure 2-5 is the first screen
to appear.
Figure 2-5.
BAI Display Window
Hit CTRL-D to reset the BAI. The display window will read "RESETTING", see
Figure 2-6.
Figure 2-6.
BAI Resetting Window
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